terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

Start to create your own luck

Lucky -- that's something we all would like to be. Some of us believe we are; others struggle to believe in luck at all.

Me? Well, I believe we create our own luck.

I know that we can't control the randomness of life, but can definitely create your own luck.

We need to prepare our minds, focus on good things and work hard for things to happen. Why being in a job we don't like, why have people we don't like around us, why should we worry about comments that other people make when clearly they don't give a shit about us.

We need to focus in ourselves and in the one's we love because in the end are those who define if we are luck or not.

Recently I have to say that I found someone and I fell in love almost instantly, yeah you can say I got lucky because she felt the same, but I did not wait for things to happen... I gave it all... and "work" for it.

we cannot love and wait... we love we MUST do...

And what i'm saying above works in every aspects of life... we need to stop thinking so much... ok... i'm not saying.. we don't need to worry about the future... we need... but overthink things just not work...

Ok we will make mistakes but don't mind about those mistakes. Mistakes happen, to everyone, no matter what you look like, who you are, what you do for a living, you've made mistakes. We all have and they all suck. I look back on some of my mistakes and literally cringe. But you know what? It doesn't do you any good to focus on them. Take what you can from them, learn from them, and then move the hell on.

In conclusion what I want to say is, luck is not something that fall from the sky... we need to work for it... and work hard, everyday of our lives just don't wait for things to appear to you as a miracle... because you're wasting your time...

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

Think Positive

Sometimes life doesn't go our way, it seems all bad things occurs to us... we lost everything, strange things happens to us and our emotional feelings are messed up!

What I discover is that martyr ourselves doesn't help at all... what we need to do is shake our life, starting doing new things, rediscover people, that we know for a long time and we didn't gave them the importance and the afect they deserve.

One thing I did and it worked very well for me... was that I told myself that I will never get angry or mad or even pist-off with no one and with nothing bad that might happen to me and i'm always trying to get something positive from everything... even negatives things.

I have plenty of situations that this attitude helped me...for example a very funny situation when I lost (thought) my wallet with some money and all my cards and some things with emotional value... and the funnier thing was that I discover that I had lost my wallet when I was going to pay a coffe... and had no money... loool.

What I've done... just laugh... and laugh... and laugh...
I was going home with a big smile and thinking "why i'm so happy? I just lost my wallet"
Positive thing when you lost your wallet... you will have new cards!! :D

Believe it or not... was enought for me... to not get mad or stay angry!!

One week later... I was looking for my cellphone... and what i found!?!? MY WALLET!!!

In conclusion.. I think we just need to take the positive things of life... do not worry about negative things... almost all situations have a positive side, even if you think that your current situation dont have one you just have to find it!!

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2009

Joy of Small things

We are so busy in our everyday work that we take for granted all that we have, when we eat drink or breath, we are thinking only about the future, and what we are going to do then, but we waste the precious moment we have in hand. The bigger level of joy comes from small things in life, but we are too busy to take notice of that.

Small things like enjoying the food we eat, enjoy the nature around us, and enjoy the rain or the smell of a flower. There are times when you eat great food, but do not enjoy the taste because the mind is else where. These things are very simple and may sound very funny, but if all minds are set free and you tried doing any of the above, you will feel true joy in life. When you give something to someone only to see a smile on the persons face will give you great amount of joy.

If we take some time to notice the feeling in small things of life, we will understand what joy is all about. We have enough to do in life with our plate full with loads of work. But we must take a moment in everyday life to see and enjoy the small things, feelings, gestures we get and give everyone, and we should appreciate these things to live life to the fullest.

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009

The Story

Once there was a young man who proclaimed to have the most beautiful, flawless heart. An old man challenged him. The crowd looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating strongly, but full of scars. Some pieces had been removed and others had been put in, but didn’t fit quite right. The old man looked at the young man, “I would never trade my heart for yours. Every scar represents a person I’ve given my love -- I tear out a piece and give it to them. Sometimes they give me a piece of their broken heart, which I fit along jagged edges. When the person doesn’t return my love, a painful gouge is left. Those gouges stay open, reminding me that I love these people too. Perhaps someday they will return and fill that space.”

We all know that emotions are a vital part of the way we are made. Yet we can’t understand why it takes so long to heal from emotional injuries.

What I know is that all people have this scars... this empty spaces in our hearts... we just have to try fulfill these spaces the best we can... with new friends, new sights and especially looking for the good things in life.

sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

Why our mind can't control our heart

This is a question that im trying to found an answer... for long time...

Maybe because we are stupid animals that like to feel pain or maybe because life would be boring if that happen, i dont know... What I know is that you can't be hoping forever... you can't stop living your life because someone dont like you the same way you like her, because other things will not wait for you... I recently understood that... and of course are days better then others but after I understand that my life became so much easier.

Heart or mind... you can't leave just with one.. that's why even if you think that you will suffer... never denied or reject your love for someone... because after all love is such a good and Beautiful feeling...

quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009


These days have been so fcking dificult to me i'm "working" 13 hours per day and there are so many things that are not going on my way... but it's life... I call it a litle training for what I will do next year!

I think that we do all things with a purpose no matter what we done we always have some secundary intention... that can sound bad.. but if we reflect... it's the fcking true...

We are not children anymore that play with each other just because they feel good doing that...

I'm doing this 13 hours marathon per day because next year i want to go to the university in Oporto, change my life, meeting new people, get a degree and especially be happy...

I talked about professional side... if you look to our personal side the same happen... its just a game... and the best players on it always seems to win... I have to say that i'm not a good player, unfortunly... someone can think... but i don't think like that... and maybe because of that I lost some of the most important races of life... but i'd like to think that in years to came i will be reward because of that attitude... at least i hope so...

"There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

We must have a great spirit to pass trought tought times... because with swords we will get always conquered and destroyed...

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009

When you do your best

One thing im certain when we do our best... and we fail i think its not our fault... people cant ask for more than our best and ourselves...

Note: yeah its short... but im late for work... :P

domingo, 22 de março de 2009

All I know about life

All that i know in this life is that nothing is easy... and its not dificult to understand that...

I think the hard things to get is the ones that give you more pleasure when you finally get it...,the really worst is when you really want something and deep in your heart you know you will never get it... but that's life... we all learn with stuff like this... and I don't regret nothing that I did in this life (till now) and certainly will not start this year, besides the good and bad things...

A sense of false hope last for too long because this is like telling a blind born guy what wonderfull things that the world have... and you know that he will not be able to see them...

Beside all things... I can assure:

Life has been good for me this year!!

I just hope that stills this way on summer "vacations"...

Note: This is what i call... you wasting your time reading this...

Be happy!

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

O Filme

Decidir qual é o meu filme favorito, ao contrário da música, não é algo muito fácil para mim. Existe uma panóplia de filmes que eu considero que poderiam ocupar o primeiro lugar da lista. Ainda há pouco tempo tive a oportunidade de discutir este tema com uma amiga e a única certeza que retirámos dessa mesma discussão foi que nenhum tinha um filme que poderia eleger como sendo o favorito.

Apesar de não conseguir definir um filme favorito, posso e vou deixar á mesma, a minha lista de filmes favoritos (o top 10), os filmes listados não estarão por ordem de preferência.

Schindler's List
Forest Gump
Saving Private Ryan
The Pianist
Shawshank Redemption
Kill Bill
Pulp Fiction
Remember the titans
Star Wars

Muitos outros filmes eram capazes de entrar mesma mesma lista acho que esta é uma escolhe muito difícil de fazer para os amantes da 7ª arte.

O exercício que pretendia fazer a seguir, é tentar eleger os melhores filmes que vi entre 2008 e 2009, não aqueles que foram lançados entre este espaço, mas aqueles que só tive oportunidade de ver naquele período.

We are Marhall
The Great Debaters
Any Given Sunday
Charllie Wilson War

Aqui ficou uma pequena lista dos filmes que vi ultimamente, e que apreciei bastante!

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

A Música

Gostaria de vir falar da minha música favorita de todos os tempos, eu sei que esta eleição costuma ser difícil para todos, mas para mim não o foi.

Acho que a música que elegi dá-nos uma perspectiva diferente sobre a vida mais precisamente como devemos "caminhar" sobre ela.

Chega de mistérios a música de que vos falo é a "My Way" de Frank Sinatra.

É uma música que não me canso de ouvir e acho que é impossível isso acontecer já que é a música tem uma letra que nos faz pensar um pouco na maneira como levamos a vida, o que é que temos andado a fazer e a forma de como o temos feito.

É sem dúvida uma lição para todos nós, diz-nos como devemos percorrer o nosso caminho por nós mesmo que isso nos leve a arrependimentos futuros ou desilusões.

Penso que é uma nota que fica para todos, vivermos a vida a nossa maneira, e não tentar viver a vida a maneira dos outros, fazer o nosso próprio caminho, fazer as nossas escolhas, não deixar que os outros as façam por nós!

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009


Gostaria de começar por escrever sobre os amigos, acho que é um tema interessantíssimo para todos, porque todos nós os temos, todos nós rimo-nos com eles, sofremos com eles e desejamos estar com eles.

O acto de fazer amigos está cada vez mais complicado, cada vez mais as pessoas olham para as outras com um ar de desconfiança.

Acho que todos nós temos saudades dos tempos em que éramos crianças em que "fazer" amigos era tão fácil, já que com essas idades não existe a MENTIRA, a HIPOCRISIA e o SINISMO, simplesmente a confraternização com outra criança que nos deixava feliz.

Quando crescemos começamos a ver o mundo de outra forma, ver que aquilo que nos rodeia não é o que pensávamos e que existe muita "porcaria" neste mundo e neste nosso Portugal. É nesta fase de crescimento que decidimos fazer as nossas escolhas no que diz respeito aos amigos que irão participar na nossa vida activamente e exercer influências sobre nós.

O que acontece é que por vezes nos enganamos na escolha desses mesmo amigos e acabamos por ficar desiludidos com eles, deixando-nos tristes.

Acho que a sorte que temos é que se nos mantivermos verdadeiros acabamos por encontrar novos amigos e amigas, que apesar de não os conhecer-mos á muito tempo podemos dizer que são, definitivamente melhor que os antigos.